The band known as “Swim School” has a unique origin story that sets them apart in the music scene. In a recent conversation, Alice Johnson delves into the genesis of the band’s name, explaining that it was conceived shortly after their first gig when they needed a name. While considering “Art School Girlfriend,” they ultimately settled on “Swim School” feeling the former was too closely related to their own identity. This decision marked a significant moment for them as it was the first time they had given a name to an artist or a girl.
Moving on to discuss their musical influences, Alice Johnson reveals a deep-rooted love for 90s bands like Smash the Pumpkins and Pixies, as well as admiration for more contemporary acts such as Inhaler, Foals, and Wolf Alice. Describing their sound as passionate and guitar-driven, the band feels that this style is somewhat absent in the Scottish music scene. Despite this, each member brings their own unique musical tastes to the table, with Billy McMahon expressing a fondness for artists like Ben Howard and the Rolling Stones.
The conversation then transitions to the band’s recent endeavours, including their inaugural European tour and a support slot for the band WunderHorse. Reflecting on the tour, the band recalls the enthusiasm and engagement of the Italian audience as a standout moment, noting the growth of their UK fanbase as a result.
As the band gears up for a series of upcoming shows and festivals, Lewis Bunting reveals that they are now performing almost full-time. The excitement is palpable among the members as they discuss the opportunities on the horizon, although they humorously acknowledge the toll it is taking on their hardworking manager.
When asked about the pinnacle of their career thus far, the band unanimously agrees that their recent performance at Scotland’s premier festival was a profoundly emotional and monumental experience, fulfilling a longstanding dream for the group.
In closing, the band shares invaluable advice for aspiring musicians, emphasizing the importance of trusting one’s instincts, surrounding oneself with a supportive network, and believing wholeheartedly in their craft. They also stress the significance of being open to constructive criticism as a means of honing their skills and evolving as artists.
This insightful conversation provides a comprehensive look into the journey of the Swim School, shedding light on their origins, influences, successes, and words of wisdom for emerging musicians. The band’s story serves as an inspiration to aspiring artists, highlighting the power of passion, perseverance, and self-belief in the pursuit of musical excellence.
Swim School are Alice Johnson, Lewis Bunting and Billy McMahon
Interview by Karen Edmond