Photo Credit: © Max Knight
A Saturday night triple bill featuring American blues rocker , Jared James Nichols , A first visit North of the border for album debutants Collateral and Glasgows own Salt River Shakedown , bring it on.
First on tonight are Salt River Shakedown , I had the pleasure of seeing them a couple of months back, but who have since changed vocalists and are now fronted by Griff.The rest of the band remain the same with Alek McMillan on guitar , Jake Mackie- Duncan on drums and bassist extraordinaire Shaun Kilna completing the quartet.
There is no doubt that these guys have great tunes aplenty and the new tracks aired tonight compound this , my favourite being ‘Honey’ . The change of vocal style in bringing Griff in, has in my opinion enhanced the band , the last time I saw them I liked them but couldn’t help feeling there was an overwhelming humour element to them , not now, good songs , great musicianship and the crowd loved them . The future in my opinion has suddenly looked much rosier for these guys.
Griff – Vocals
Alek McMillan – Guitars
Shaun Kilna – Bass
Jake Mackie– Duncan – Drums
For more info

Collateral released their self titled debut album last week and tonight frontman Angelo Tristan bounces onto the stage and starts the proceedings with ‘Mr Big Shot’ the opening track from said album. It’s a catchy ,big chorus song which for the first song has the crowd singing along to it . The rest of the set has songs taken from the album ‘Merry go round’ and ‘Midnight Queen ‘ are strong strong songs and the band featuring guitarist Todd Winger( who is outstanding) , Bassist Jack Bentley Smith and drummer Ben Atkinson are all on top form.
I have a slight gripe with the sound tonight for Collateral as I feel at certain times the sound slips away for Tristran’s vocals at crucial times which has nothing to do with him at all as he gives his all . He knows how to grab an audience by the short & curlies and work them , Several times I’m reminded of the master himself, Jon Bon Jovi , the bouncing about the stage on his toes , his dialogue with the crowd , the arm waving etc all getting the crowd onside and it works superbly , Cheesy ? Of course but aren’t all great bands . Set closer is ‘Lullaby’ the first single from the album which was released last year and keeping the best song to last is always a master stroke. Keep your eye on Collateral they are going big places.
Catch them in the next couple of weeks supporting Phil X who is guitarist to the aforementioned master , perhaps just a coincidence.
Angelo Tristan – Vocals
Todd Winger – Guitars
Jack Bentley Smith – Bass
Ben Atkinson – Drums
For more info.

Having had the pleasure of seeing Jared James Nichols previously this was a no brainer coming to see him tonight. This is a guy whose brand of Blues Rock is second to none , heads down , superb music and a great night guaranteed and again no one in the big crowd will go home disappointed. He is both on and offstage a genuinely nice guy who seems to want to please and he does in buckets.
Songs like ‘ Last Chance ‘ , ‘ End of time ‘ and ‘Run’ just get better every time you hear them live. A couple of new tracks also get an airing with ‘ You threw me to the wolves ‘ from the forthcoming album a standout . Nichols has bassist Baron Fox & drummer Dennis Holm behind him and they are an absolute powerhouse unit , never missing a beat the whole night in support of Nichols jaw dropping guitar work , all without a pick in sight just his nimble fingerwork .
‘Hardwired to Love you’ and ‘Now or Never’ are next up and after 45 minutes off stage they go . I along with everyone else are thinking surely that’s not it ? Its not and back they come with the lead single from the forthcoming album ‘ Nails in my coffin ‘ and last but not least a truly outstanding version of ‘Mississippi Queen ‘ .
An excellent night of music from 3 bands who are all on the ascendency and whom everyone will hear of many more times.
Jared James Nichols – Guitar/Vocals
Baron Fox – Bass
Dennis Holm – Drums
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