CONCERT REVIEW : ALT-J – Barrowland Glasgow 7th May 2022

The famous venue was set to welcome Alt-J for their second night in Glasgow, a wide ranging age group were filing into the venue, people eager to get a prime spot at the front of the stage. A pleasant atmosphere was steadily building in anticipation for the nights show, the Glasgow fans looking forward to welcoming the Leeds trio.

Opening the show tonight from Tulsa Oklahoma was the five-piece Wilderado, the alternative rock band turned a few heads with their first visit to the famous venue, creating an interesting sound, capturing the imagination of the assembled crowd. Max Rainer, Tyler Wimpee, Justin Kila and Jack Malonis gave the Glasgow Audience a real treat, the perfect warm up for Alt-J. The band announced they will be back in the city in October at another one of the cities famous venues King Tuts Wah Wah Hut.

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  • Wilderado - Barrowland Glasgow 7th May 2022

The venue lights lowered as the intro music slowly started, the crowd got the first look at the band as they took to the raised platform stage, the set up with the glass floor enabled lights to be used below the band, the backdrop showed a single candle that multiplied as the song went on. Opening the set with Blane with its slow start, building as the song develops, the silhouette figures of the band on the raised stage loomed larger than life, as the led backdrop enhanced the atmosphere of the opening song. It was the perfect start to the show, entrancing the audience into their music, the vocals from Joe Newman emphasized this, the band currently on tour with the latest album The Dream, with their 10-year anniversary from their Mercury winning debut album An Awesome Wave.  Next up was Every Other Freckle before the band performed their current single the Actor.  The tempo, building on the earlier songs was creating an atmospheric euphoria within the venue, the strobe lights beaming from the Perspex flooring lit up the band members and had the crowd focused on their every move.

The band, on top form as they dip their toes into past albums and treat the Glasgow audience to a back catalogue of songs with Deadcrush, Ripe & Ruin, Tessellate and Matilda, capturing the audience with their  brilliant harmonies, the talented musicians giving the Glasgow audience an amazing show.  The Glasgow crowd showed their appreciation singing along with Something Good, before the band played a great version of Bloodflood that had the audience in awe, this was something worth hearing in Glasgow tonight.

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  • ALT-J - Barrowland Glasgow 7th May 2022

The set closed with Dissolve Me and Fitzpleasure before the band went off for a much-needed short break, returning to play a three-song encore that delighted the Glasgow faithful with Left Hand Free, Hard Drive Gold before ending the set with Breezeblocks,  the noise level in the venue was through the roof as the band delivered this amazing encore. The band said their thanks and goodbyes for the 2nd time over two nights.

The three piece delivered an epic set full of dedication and passion. If you have never seen Alt-J catch them at some of the smaller venues they are playing on this tour, you won’t be disappointed.

Photographs and Review by James Edmond

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