CONCERT REVIEW : KISS Rocks the Hydro Glasgow to Its Core: A Night of Fire, Fury, and Unforgettable Fun! 8th July 2023

KISS – OVO Hydro Glasgow 8th July 2023

We wanted the best and we got the best.

Kiss arrived in Glasgow for what looks like their last ever gig on British soil, though they have already toured their ‘End of the Road’ show in the UK 2019. However, the small matter of a pandemic interrupting their schedule allows for one more very welcome gig from the self proclaimed hottest band in the world.

If you want pyrotechnics, fireworks and band members being lifted and lowered on hydraulic rigs then you get it in this show. If you want your bass player breathing fire and spitting blood then you also get that on this tour.  It really is a spectacle of gigantic proportions.

Before all that there are 2 support acts to watch

Due to issues with with a late opening of the doors at the Glasgow Hydro there was a somewhat sparse crowd in the venue to watch the first band of the evening, British rockers The Wild Things.

It is unfortunate that so many people, Scottish Music Network included, remained outside the venue due to the late opening of the doors as this support slot on the KISS tour was the absolute ideal opportunity for The Wild Things to showcase their talents to an ever growing fanbase.

The understanding is that the band were outstanding and it is hoped they managed to pick up some new fans with what we are told was a short but tight set.

The Wild Things are back on the UK tour circuit  in October, with shows in Southampton, Cardiff, Nottingham, Manchester, Glasgow, Birmingham, Norwich, St Albans and London.

Skindred are loud, very loud. Coupling this huge sound with entertainment from their exuberant frontman, Benji Webbe, is an incredible force live. Dressed in long black coat with skeleton fingered gloves, he positively interacts with the audience with his chat and hilarious stories between songs.

Their setlist covered their entire career and included tracks from their forthcoming new album ‘Smile’ which is due out in August.

  • Skindred - OVO Hydro Glasgow 8th July 2023
  • Skindred - OVO Hydro Glasgow 8th July 2023
  • Skindred - OVO Hydro Glasgow 8th July 2023
  • Skindred - OVO Hydro Glasgow 8th July 2023
  • Skindred - OVO Hydro Glasgow 8th July 2023
  • Skindred - OVO Hydro Glasgow 8th July 2023
  • Skindred - OVO Hydro Glasgow 8th July 2023
  • Skindred - OVO Hydro Glasgow 8th July 2023
  • Skindred - OVO Hydro Glasgow 8th July 2023
  • Skindred - OVO Hydro Glasgow 8th July 2023
  • Skindred - OVO Hydro Glasgow 8th July 2023
  • Skindred - OVO Hydro Glasgow 8th July 2023
  • Skindred - OVO Hydro Glasgow 8th July 2023
  • Skindred - OVO Hydro Glasgow 8th July 2023
  • Skindred - OVO Hydro Glasgow 8th July 2023
  • Skindred - OVO Hydro Glasgow 8th July 2023
  • Skindred - OVO Hydro Glasgow 8th July 2023
  • Skindred - OVO Hydro Glasgow 8th July 2023
  • Skindred - OVO Hydro Glasgow 8th July 2023
  • Skindred - OVO Hydro Glasgow 8th July 2023
  • Skindred - OVO Hydro Glasgow 8th July 2023
  • Skindred - OVO Hydro Glasgow 8th July 2023
  • Skindred - OVO Hydro Glasgow 8th July 2023
  • Skindred - OVO Hydro Glasgow 8th July 2023
  • Skindred - OVO Hydro Glasgow 8th July 2023
  • Skindred - OVO Hydro Glasgow 8th July 2023
  • Skindred - OVO Hydro Glasgow 8th July 2023
  • Skindred - OVO Hydro Glasgow 8th July 2023
  • Skindred - OVO Hydro Glasgow 8th July 2023
  • Skindred - OVO Hydro Glasgow 8th July 2023

It is, as expected, the old favourites of ‘Kill the Power’ and ‘Warning’ that really got the bands fanbase going and the only potential downside to the set, though not a bad one, was in asking a Glasgow crowd to remove their shirts and wave them above their head for the bands trademark ‘Newport Helicopter’. Probably not the best idea at a KISS gig.  However, that aside, this was a good show that reaffirms that Skindred are collectively as strong live as they are on the recorded medium.

The band return for a UK tour in October with dates in Glasgow that should now have a few more fans at it who never thought that they would be going.

A KISS concert is not just about the music and the band on stage, . It’s about the experience and interaction of fans. Many people made phenomenal effort in home-made fancy dress and make-up to look just like their heroes. Many even had their kids with them who were also made up.  It really is a ginormous party of fun being at a Kiss concert.

From the moment the lights dim and the spotlights begin to circle over the giant curtain bearing the word KISS, the crowd know exactly what they are about to receive.

As the voice of Gene Simmons rings out with the immoral words “Alright Glasgow. You wanted the best. You got the best – the hottest band in the world….KISS”, the curtain drops to a massive barrage of fireworks and explosions as bassist and vocalist Gene Simmons, guitarist Tommy Thayer and guitarist and vocalist Paul Stanley can be seen coming down from the ceiling on hydraulic platforms to rapturous applause from the crowd, many of who are in full make up and costume like their idols.

Not to be outdone, drummer Eric Singer descends on his own elevated platform at the rear of the stage.

  • KISS - OVO Hydro Glasgow 8th July 2023
  • KISS - OVO Hydro Glasgow 8th July 2023
  • KISS - OVO Hydro Glasgow 8th July 2023
  • KISS - OVO Hydro Glasgow 8th July 2023
  • KISS - OVO Hydro Glasgow 8th July 2023
  • KISS - OVO Hydro Glasgow 8th July 2023
  • KISS - OVO Hydro Glasgow 8th July 2023
  • KISS - OVO Hydro Glasgow 8th July 2023
  • KISS - OVO Hydro Glasgow 8th July 2023
  • KISS - OVO Hydro Glasgow 8th July 2023
  • KISS - OVO Hydro Glasgow 8th July 2023
  • KISS - OVO Hydro Glasgow 8th July 2023
  • KISS - OVO Hydro Glasgow 8th July 2023
  • KISS - OVO Hydro Glasgow 8th July 2023
  • KISS - OVO Hydro Glasgow 8th July 2023
  • KISS - OVO Hydro Glasgow 8th July 2023
  • KISS - OVO Hydro Glasgow 8th July 2023
  • KISS - OVO Hydro Glasgow 8th July 2023
  • KISS - OVO Hydro Glasgow 8th July 2023
  • KISS - OVO Hydro Glasgow 8th July 2023
  • KISS - OVO Hydro Glasgow 8th July 2023
  • KISS - OVO Hydro Glasgow 8th July 2023
  • KISS - OVO Hydro Glasgow 8th July 2023
  • KISS - OVO Hydro Glasgow 8th July 2023
  • KISS - OVO Hydro Glasgow 8th July 2023
  • KISS - OVO Hydro Glasgow 8th July 2023
  • KISS - OVO Hydro Glasgow 8th July 2023
  • KISS - OVO Hydro Glasgow 8th July 2023
  • KISS - OVO Hydro Glasgow 8th July 2023
  • KISS - OVO Hydro Glasgow 8th July 2023
  • KISS - OVO Hydro Glasgow 8th July 2023
  • KISS - OVO Hydro Glasgow 8th July 2023
  • KISS - OVO Hydro Glasgow 8th July 2023
  • KISS - OVO Hydro Glasgow 8th July 2023
  • KISS - OVO Hydro Glasgow 8th July 2023
  • KISS - OVO Hydro Glasgow 8th July 2023
  • KISS - OVO Hydro Glasgow 8th July 2023
  • KISS - OVO Hydro Glasgow 8th July 2023
  • KISS - OVO Hydro Glasgow 8th July 2023
  • KISS - OVO Hydro Glasgow 8th July 2023
  • KISS - OVO Hydro Glasgow 8th July 2023
  • KISS - OVO Hydro Glasgow 8th July 2023
  • KISS - OVO Hydro Glasgow 8th July 2023
  • KISS - OVO Hydro Glasgow 8th July 2023
  • KISS - OVO Hydro Glasgow 8th July 2023
  • KISS - OVO Hydro Glasgow 8th July 2023
  • KISS - OVO Hydro Glasgow 8th July 2023
  • KISS - OVO Hydro Glasgow 8th July 2023
  • KISS - OVO Hydro Glasgow 8th July 2023
  • KISS - OVO Hydro Glasgow 8th July 2023

This is a band who have given their fans exactly what they want for 50 years and the opening track ‘Detroit Rock City’ does exactly that and in spades.

With fire breathing from Simmons during ‘I Love It Loud’ and dual guitar solos from Thayer and Stanley during ‘Calling Dr Love’, the set is filled with the classics the fans love so much and even the slightly more subdued parts of the show have something for everyone.

Everyone gets a solo in a KISS show with Tommy Thayer shooting fireworks out of his guitar, Eric Singer with a drum solo, Gene Simmons bass solo, complete with blood dripping from his mouth as he is elevated high into the rafters of the venue, and Paul Stanley delighting the crowd with his guitar work.

Paul Stanley’s chat during and between songs is formulaic in nature but does the job in a call and response from the crowd when required, especially when he takes flight over the audience to a platform at the back of the arena for a fine rendition of ‘Love Gun’

It has been said that some of the backing vocals on this tour are taped and whilst that may be the case, Stanley and Simmons are clearly singing live, if a little strained at times. No-one is here for technical expertise and the vocals are let go in exchange for a brilliant nights entertainment.

The first of the three encores is ‘Beth’ which allows drummer Eric Singer to take the stage solo behind a silver glitter piano before the rest of the band return for ‘I Was Made For Lovin’ You’ followed by set closer ‘Rock and Roll All Nite’ complete with what appears to be the worlds entire supply of confetti, fireworks and explosions galore all at the same time.

The final notes ring out with Simmons, Thayer and Singer elevated high above then stage whilst Stanley smashes his guitar on the stage to the roars of a very approving crowd.

The band leave the stage to a backing track of their hit cover version of ‘God Gave Rock And Roll To You’ and you can help but wonder if their true legacy is indeed the meaning of that very song.

A truly explosive show by 4 artists still at the top of their game and a fitting farewell to the UK live performance arena….or is it?


Review & Photographs by Gavin Ross – July 2023

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