CONCERT REVIEW : Muse, Bellahouston Park, Glasgow, 23rd June 2023


Just WOW!!! 

Muse bring their brand of magnificence to Glasgow

Muse, Belahouston Park, Glasgow, 23rd June 2023

It’s Glasgow in June so, obviously, it’s raining… of course it is!

The name of the Muse tour is the ‘Will of there People’ and the will of thousands tonight is that no amount of rain will dampen their collective spirit. The clothes may be soaked through but their hearts are on fire as they descend on Bellahouston Park.

As early as 1835hrs the huge venue is witnessing a huge footfall of early and eager fans. They have done themselves a huge favour by arriving so early as the first band on stage are ‘The Warning’. The three piece band are really, really good. Hailing from Monterey, Mexico the Villarreal Velez sisters take to the huge stage in the massive venue like they belong there. They played with the confidence of a band with many years experience; they played like that too.

Their WIKI page labels them as ‘Alternative Rock’ amongst other genres and leaves us wondering if there should be a genre labelled ‘Bloody Good’.

  • The Warning, Bellahouston Park, Glasgow, 23rd June 2023
  • The Warning, Bellahouston Park, Glasgow, 23rd June 2023
  • The Warning, Bellahouston Park, Glasgow, 23rd June 2023
  • The Warning, Bellahouston Park, Glasgow, 23rd June 2023
  • The Warning, Bellahouston Park, Glasgow, 23rd June 2023
  • The Warning, Bellahouston Park, Glasgow, 23rd June 2023
  • The Warning, Bellahouston Park, Glasgow, 23rd June 2023
  • The Warning, Bellahouston Park, Glasgow, 23rd June 2023
  • The Warning, Bellahouston Park, Glasgow, 23rd June 2023
  • The Warning, Bellahouston Park, Glasgow, 23rd June 2023
  • The Warning, Bellahouston Park, Glasgow, 23rd June 2023

They received a massive ovation from the ever expanding crowd and it was well deserved.

A short turnaround saw local lads Twin Atlantic take to the stage.

Twin Atlantic is well known in these parts and the crowd was as loud as it was expected.

Throughout their impressive set Sam McTrusty proclaimed his disbelief that they were sharing a stage with Muse. However, it comes as no surprise to their followers that the upward trajectory continues for them since hitting the scene circa 2007.

The boys showcased for all to see and hear that they are destined for the big league and that it would be nothing they don’t deserve. McTrusty strutted, jumped and cajoled the crowd whilst barking out orders to the crowd to get themselves involved – “let me see your hands”, “let’s see you jump”, “make some noise”… and the crowd obeyed as the boys whipped them into a frenzy at the thought of seeing Muse.

  • Twin Atlantic, Bellahouston Park, Glasgow, 23rd June 2023
  • Twin Atlantic, Bellahouston Park, Glasgow, 23rd June 2023
  • Twin Atlantic, Bellahouston Park, Glasgow, 23rd June 2023
  • Twin Atlantic, Bellahouston Park, Glasgow, 23rd June 2023
  • Twin Atlantic, Bellahouston Park, Glasgow, 23rd June 2023
  • Twin Atlantic, Bellahouston Park, Glasgow, 23rd June 2023
  • Twin Atlantic, Bellahouston Park, Glasgow, 23rd June 2023
  • Twin Atlantic, Bellahouston Park, Glasgow, 23rd June 2023
  • Twin Atlantic, Bellahouston Park, Glasgow, 23rd June 2023
  • Twin Atlantic, Bellahouston Park, Glasgow, 23rd June 2023

The crowd were suitably warmed up and, unbelievably, dry… the last part wasn’t to last!

The seething mass of bodies now stretched out to the furthest extremities of the venue and the excitement was tangible as they awaited their heroes.

At last… the background music fades and the big screens burst into life.., it was time!

As the intro track began to play a bass note exploded from the PA system. It was more of bottom end explosion than a bass note. It was felt and not heard. It was powerful enough to raise the Devil from the depth of his Hellish pit!

It was short lived and long since past as Muse show themselves; onstage the pyrotechnics burst into life and the robot mask wearing musicians are now in control of the venue (and those on the hill outside the venue that afforded a full, if long distance, view of the stage.

‘Will of the People’ was apt choice of opener and the will of the people present was that Muse bring the goods. The whole stage set was amazing and the long walkway would be used frequently throughout the set. The unusual sight of pyro on the opening track of a set was well thought out and certainly made an early impact on all present.

  • Muse, Bellahouston Park, Glasgow, 23rd June 2023
  • Muse, Bellahouston Park, Glasgow, 23rd June 2023
  • Muse, Bellahouston Park, Glasgow, 23rd June 2023
  • Muse, Bellahouston Park, Glasgow, 23rd June 2023
  • Muse, Bellahouston Park, Glasgow, 23rd June 2023
  • Muse, Bellahouston Park, Glasgow, 23rd June 2023
  • Muse, Bellahouston Park, Glasgow, 23rd June 2023
  • Muse, Bellahouston Park, Glasgow, 23rd June 2023
  • Muse, Bellahouston Park, Glasgow, 23rd June 2023
  • Muse, Bellahouston Park, Glasgow, 23rd June 2023
  • Muse, Bellahouston Park, Glasgow, 23rd June 2023
  • Muse, Bellahouston Park, Glasgow, 23rd June 2023
  • Muse, Bellahouston Park, Glasgow, 23rd June 2023
  • Muse, Bellahouston Park, Glasgow, 23rd June 2023
  • Muse, Bellahouston Park, Glasgow, 23rd June 2023
  • Muse, Bellahouston Park, Glasgow, 23rd June 2023
  • Muse, Bellahouston Park, Glasgow, 23rd June 2023
  • Muse, Bellahouston Park, Glasgow, 23rd June 2023
  • Muse, Bellahouston Park, Glasgow, 23rd June 2023
  • Muse, Bellahouston Park, Glasgow, 23rd June 2023

Oh… the rain had returned to coincide with Matt Bellamy making his first excursion down the walkway. It was a sight to behold as he strode to the end of the walkway with the increasingly heavy rain glistening in the stage lights.

The band and crowd were now symbiotic as every word, action, twist or turn undertaken by Mr Bellamy brought a reaction form the crowd. It was joyous to see and will forever live in the hearts and minds of those fortunate enough to have been there; the band and the fans were as one under those lights. The Scottish weather tried hard to dampen the will of the people but the people joined as one and, on a late June evening in Glasgow, the rain lost. The God of Rain was sent packing by thousands of Scottish people and a few blokes wearing robot masks!

This was truly a magnificent event. All the pieces fell together perfectly as a musical jigsaw and made the event a huge success. There are a few big names due in Glasgow soon and some are playing the same venue; Muse have set the bar and few, if any, will rise to the height of Muse and friends… it really was that good.

Review & Photographs by John Brown


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