CONCERT REVIEW : Noel Gallagher High Flying Birds – OVO Hydro Glasgow 20th December 2023

The anticipation was evident as hundreds anxiously lined up outside the venue, braving the chilly and damp night. Everyone arrived early, anxious not to miss a single second of the amazing lineup. Tom Meighan, former Kasabian frontman, was supposed to open the night, followed by the renowned Noel Gallagher. It didn’t matter if you were young or old; the audience included people of all ages who were connected by their appreciation of excellent music. Despite the weather, their spirits were high, and they were looking forward to a memorable night. The excitement built as they eagerly waited to gain access, all trying to get the best view of the spectacle.

The LED backdrop flashed up with the name of the brilliant Tom Meighan as the lights dimmed and the audience held their breath in expectation. The band took the stage with infectious excitement, followed by the star, who was dressed stylishly in a black fur coat and sunglasses. The energy level rose as Tom began his set with the upbeat and catchy song “Shout it Out.” And, boy, did the audience join in with their exuberant voices, making for an incredible sing-along!

Tom’s bright presence filled the entire stage, delivering limitless excitement to the Glasgow audience. The undoubtedly funky “Underdog” had everyone hopping to the beat and singing along to this Kasabian classic with their voices lifted high. But Tom didn’t stop there; he seamlessly moved into his solo tunes, including the unforgettable “Don’t Give In.” What a gift!

The playlist was an excellent blend of new tunes and old favourites. When classics like “Empire,” “L.S.F.,” and “Club Foot” flooded the air, the audience erupted. Every member of the audience was singing along with Tom and revelling in the nostalgia of these beloved tunes.

  • Tom Meighan  - OVO Hydro Glasgow 20th December 2023
  • Tom Meighan  - OVO Hydro Glasgow 20th December 2023
  • Tom Meighan  - OVO Hydro Glasgow 20th December 2023
  • Tom Meighan  - OVO Hydro Glasgow 20th December 2023
  • Tom Meighan  - OVO Hydro Glasgow 20th December 2023
  • Tom Meighan  - OVO Hydro Glasgow 20th December 2023
  • Tom Meighan  - OVO Hydro Glasgow 20th December 2023
  • Tom Meighan  - OVO Hydro Glasgow 20th December 2023
  • Tom Meighan  - OVO Hydro Glasgow 20th December 2023
  • Tom Meighan  - OVO Hydro Glasgow 20th December 2023
  • Tom Meighan  - OVO Hydro Glasgow 20th December 2023
  • Tom Meighan  - OVO Hydro Glasgow 20th December 2023
  • Tom Meighan  - OVO Hydro Glasgow 20th December 2023
  • Tom Meighan  - OVO Hydro Glasgow 20th December 2023
  • Tom Meighan  - OVO Hydro Glasgow 20th December 2023
  • Tom Meighan  - OVO Hydro Glasgow 20th December 2023
  • Tom Meighan  - OVO Hydro Glasgow 20th December 2023
  • Tom Meighan  - OVO Hydro Glasgow 20th December 2023
  • Tom Meighan  - OVO Hydro Glasgow 20th December 2023
  • Tom Meighan  - OVO Hydro Glasgow 20th December 2023
  • Tom Meighan  - OVO Hydro Glasgow 20th December 2023
  • Tom Meighan  - OVO Hydro Glasgow 20th December 2023
  • Tom Meighan  - OVO Hydro Glasgow 20th December 2023
  • Tom Meighan  - OVO Hydro Glasgow 20th December 2023
  • Tom Meighan  - OVO Hydro Glasgow 20th December 2023
  • Tom Meighan  - OVO Hydro Glasgow 20th December 2023
  • Tom Meighan  - OVO Hydro Glasgow 20th December 2023
  • Tom Meighan  - OVO Hydro Glasgow 20th December 2023
  • Tom Meighan  - OVO Hydro Glasgow 20th December 2023
  • Tom Meighan  - OVO Hydro Glasgow 20th December 2023
  • Tom Meighan  - OVO Hydro Glasgow 20th December 2023
  • Tom Meighan  - OVO Hydro Glasgow 20th December 2023
  • Tom Meighan  - OVO Hydro Glasgow 20th December 2023
  • Tom Meighan  - OVO Hydro Glasgow 20th December 2023
  • Tom Meighan  - OVO Hydro Glasgow 20th December 2023
  • Tom Meighan  - OVO Hydro Glasgow 20th December 2023
  • Tom Meighan  - OVO Hydro Glasgow 20th December 2023
  • Tom Meighan  - OVO Hydro Glasgow 20th December 2023
  • Tom Meighan  - OVO Hydro Glasgow 20th December 2023
  • Tom Meighan  - OVO Hydro Glasgow 20th December 2023
  • Tom Meighan  - OVO Hydro Glasgow 20th December 2023
  • Tom Meighan  - OVO Hydro Glasgow 20th December 2023
  • Tom Meighan  - OVO Hydro Glasgow 20th December 2023
  • Tom Meighan  - OVO Hydro Glasgow 20th December 2023
  • Tom Meighan  - OVO Hydro Glasgow 20th December 2023
  • Tom Meighan  - OVO Hydro Glasgow 20th December 2023
  • Tom Meighan  - OVO Hydro Glasgow 20th December 2023
  • Tom Meighan  - OVO Hydro Glasgow 20th December 2023
  • Tom Meighan  - OVO Hydro Glasgow 20th December 2023
  • Tom Meighan  - OVO Hydro Glasgow 20th December 2023
  • Tom Meighan  - OVO Hydro Glasgow 20th December 2023
  • Tom Meighan  - OVO Hydro Glasgow 20th December 2023
  • Tom Meighan  - OVO Hydro Glasgow 20th December 2023
  • Tom Meighan  - OVO Hydro Glasgow 20th December 2023
  • Tom Meighan  - OVO Hydro Glasgow 20th December 2023

As the night continued, Tom couldn’t help but admire the Glasgow audience. He stated that this city never fails to disappoint, making everyone feel even more connected. Tom bid farewell to the stage with the charming solo performance of “Movin’ On,” but not before gifting us the ultimate Kasabian hymn, “Fire.” The venue erupted in a thunderous applause, the filled Glasgow OVO Hydro quivering with genuine ecstasy.

What an evening! Tom Meighan and his band blew the roof off the place, leaving us with vivid memories and aching cheeks from all the smiling and singing. Glasgow, you’ve once again demonstrated why you’re the best crowd on the planet!

The atmosphere at the Venue was electrifying, with everyone anticipating Noel Gallagher’s High Flying Birds’ amazing performance. The stage was equipped with a spectacular huge LED backdrop that suddenly lit up with a single sparkling line across the screen. As the 4-minute warning intro began playing softly in the background, the crowd exploded with enthusiasm, signalling that the show was about to begin.

Unlike at most concerts, the venue lights remained turned on, allowing ardent fans to take in every moment leading up to the big event. A sense of astonishment permeated the air as everyone stared at the screen as the line gradually morphed into a hazy yet recognisable emblem for Noel Gallagher’s High Flying Birds. It was a breathtaking sight to behold!

The lights immediately went off, plunging the room into darkness, just as the logo appeared crystal evident on the backdrop. The crowd erupted in applause as the band members took their places on stage, ready to provide an outstanding performance. Then, in a burst of energy, Noel Gallagher himself appeared on stage, to an outpouring of enthusiasm from the fans.

The anticipation was great, and it was evident that this would be an unbelievable night filled with incredible music and unforgettable memories.

The room was electrified when the opening chords of Pretty Boy, a track from Council Skies’ most recent album, flooded the air. The fans couldn’t stop themselves from singing along, producing a symphony of joyous noise. It was only the start of an extraordinary night.

But something extraordinary happened before we went on the adventure of the album’s title track. The LED screen lighted the stage, taking us inside Noel Gallagher’s Council Skies dreams. It was like entering a dreamscape, and the crowd’s excitement got even stronger.

Then came the big moment. As the great latest single, Open The Door See What You Find, resonated around the auditorium, the Glasgow crowd exploded in pure excitement. When the song was performed live, it had a unique intensity that was impossible not to be swept up in. Voices joined together to form a choir that may rival the heavens.

The surprises didn’t end there. Noel Gallagher teased the fans by mentioning revisiting songs from the 1990s. However, he opted to save them for later, leaving the audience in suspense. Instead, he played songs from his past albums, such as You Know We Can’t Go Back, In The Heat of the Moment, If I Had a Gun, and the ultimate highlight: AKA…What A Life!

  • Noel Gallagher High Flying Birds  - OVO Hydro Glasgow 20th December 2023
  • Noel Gallagher High Flying Birds  - OVO Hydro Glasgow 20th December 2023
  • Noel Gallagher High Flying Birds  - OVO Hydro Glasgow 20th December 2023
  • Noel Gallagher High Flying Birds  - OVO Hydro Glasgow 20th December 2023
  • Noel Gallagher High Flying Birds  - OVO Hydro Glasgow 20th December 2023
  • Noel Gallagher High Flying Birds  - OVO Hydro Glasgow 20th December 2023
  • Noel Gallagher High Flying Birds  - OVO Hydro Glasgow 20th December 2023
  • Noel Gallagher High Flying Birds  - OVO Hydro Glasgow 20th December 2023
  • Noel Gallagher High Flying Birds  - OVO Hydro Glasgow 20th December 2023
  • Noel Gallagher High Flying Birds  - OVO Hydro Glasgow 20th December 2023
  • Noel Gallagher High Flying Birds  - OVO Hydro Glasgow 20th December 2023
  • Noel Gallagher High Flying Birds  - OVO Hydro Glasgow 20th December 2023
  • Noel Gallagher High Flying Birds  - OVO Hydro Glasgow 20th December 2023
  • Noel Gallagher High Flying Birds  - OVO Hydro Glasgow 20th December 2023
  • Noel Gallagher High Flying Birds  - OVO Hydro Glasgow 20th December 2023
  • Noel Gallagher High Flying Birds  - OVO Hydro Glasgow 20th December 2023
  • Noel Gallagher High Flying Birds  - OVO Hydro Glasgow 20th December 2023
  • Noel Gallagher High Flying Birds  - OVO Hydro Glasgow 20th December 2023
  • Noel Gallagher High Flying Birds  - OVO Hydro Glasgow 20th December 2023
  • Noel Gallagher High Flying Birds  - OVO Hydro Glasgow 20th December 2023
  • Noel Gallagher High Flying Birds  - OVO Hydro Glasgow 20th December 2023
  • Noel Gallagher High Flying Birds  - OVO Hydro Glasgow 20th December 2023
  • Noel Gallagher High Flying Birds  - OVO Hydro Glasgow 20th December 2023
  • Noel Gallagher High Flying Birds  - OVO Hydro Glasgow 20th December 2023
  • Noel Gallagher High Flying Birds  - OVO Hydro Glasgow 20th December 2023
  • Noel Gallagher High Flying Birds  - OVO Hydro Glasgow 20th December 2023
  • Noel Gallagher High Flying Birds  - OVO Hydro Glasgow 20th December 2023
  • Noel Gallagher High Flying Birds  - OVO Hydro Glasgow 20th December 2023
  • Noel Gallagher High Flying Birds  - OVO Hydro Glasgow 20th December 2023
  • Noel Gallagher High Flying Birds  - OVO Hydro Glasgow 20th December 2023
  • Noel Gallagher High Flying Birds  - OVO Hydro Glasgow 20th December 2023
  • Noel Gallagher High Flying Birds  - OVO Hydro Glasgow 20th December 2023
  • Noel Gallagher High Flying Birds  - OVO Hydro Glasgow 20th December 2023
  • Noel Gallagher High Flying Birds  - OVO Hydro Glasgow 20th December 2023
  • Noel Gallagher High Flying Birds  - OVO Hydro Glasgow 20th December 2023
  • Noel Gallagher High Flying Birds  - OVO Hydro Glasgow 20th December 2023
  • Noel Gallagher High Flying Birds  - OVO Hydro Glasgow 20th December 2023
  • Noel Gallagher High Flying Birds  - OVO Hydro Glasgow 20th December 2023
  • Noel Gallagher High Flying Birds  - OVO Hydro Glasgow 20th December 2023
  • Noel Gallagher High Flying Birds  - OVO Hydro Glasgow 20th December 2023
  • Noel Gallagher High Flying Birds  - OVO Hydro Glasgow 20th December 2023
  • Noel Gallagher High Flying Birds  - OVO Hydro Glasgow 20th December 2023
  • Noel Gallagher High Flying Birds  - OVO Hydro Glasgow 20th December 2023

An overwhelming energy poured through the OVO Hydro as the first notes of AKA..What A Life! resonated. The audience erupted in joy, their voices reaching new heights as they sung every word with unyielding devotion. The ceiling of the OVO Hydro appeared to lift off, carried away by the collective ecstasy of the occasion.

It was a night of pure ecstasy, where music brought thousands of souls together in a shared feeling of delight and celebration. Noel Gallagher and his band had created a genuinely spectacular evening, leaving the audience with happy memories to last a lifetime.

A magnificent moment unfolded as the band exited the stage, leaving only Noel lighted by a mesmerising lighting. With his trusty acoustic guitar in hand, Noel was joined on keyboards by the great Mike Rowe, and the duo gave a beautiful rendition of “Dead In The Water.” As they witnessed this remarkable performance, the audience exploded in astonishment and admiration.

Noel teased the audience with naughty delight, keeping them on the edge of their seats, wondering which 90’s tune he would grace their ears with next. Will it be the well-known “Slide Away”? Not this time, but don’t worry, Noel had a different surprise in mind for you. He began this part with the fantastic “Going Nowhere,” laying the groundwork for an extraordinary experience.

The atmosphere was electrifying, and the venue came to life as Noel enchanted the audience with the infectious energy of “The Importance of Being Idle.” Voices joined together to fill the air with sheer joy and gladness. The band demonstrated their enormous talent in perfect unison, leaving no doubt that this night was going to be unforgettable.

And just when you thought the band couldn’t get any better, they released their masterpiece, “The Masterplan.” Glasgow would remember that moment for the rest of his life. They performed a performance that left the audience in amazement and begging for more, led by Noel’s incredible voice.

The night was a huge success, packed with music that touched people’s hearts and sparked their spirits. Noel and the band had created an atmosphere of pure joy and festivity, leaving everyone with lasting memories.

Glasgow was alive with excitement and happy celebration! Noel had the audience in the palm of his hand with his performance of Half The World Away. And just when we thought it couldn’t get any better, he finished with the incredibly fantastic Little By Little! The entire crowd couldn’t help but join in, singing along with Noel and his brilliant band. It was like opening a magical pre-Christmas present – a genuinely unique pleasure for everyone in attendance. We couldn’t help but feel a tinge of excitement as the band smoothly fled the stage. We simply knew it wouldn’t be long before they returned to us, ready to continue the fantastic festivities!

The atmosphere in Glasgow was simply fantastic with the band and Noel back on stage! Their performance was nothing short of extraordinary, beginning with a hypnotic rendition of Bob Dylan’s immortal ballad “Quinn The Eskimo.” It was a great masterpiece that wowed the audience.

But that was only the start! Noel, the consummate showman, had a surprise in store for the Glasgow crowd. With his guitar in hand, he performed an extremely stunning rendition of the Oasis classic “Live Forever.” The electricity in the room was palpable, and the roof seemed to lift off with the crowd’s enthusiasm.

Noel made a poignant appeal as the night came to a close. He wanted the audience to sing along to the night’s last song, not just the first line, but the entire anthem. And what better tune to chose than “Don’t Look Back in Anger.” Noel took a step back from the microphone, amazed as the band played the music and the audience took over. It was a magnificent sight to see the band and fans come together as one to create an unforgettable moment of pure delight.

As the final notes of the song faded away, Noel and the band took a step forward to the front of the stage, waving goodbye to the adoring audience. Cheers and ovation rang out across the auditorium, a monument to the wonderful night Glasgow had just had.

Tonight was simply incredible from start to finish! There was something wonderful in the air that made things so exhilarating. The audience was wonderful, and the band was simply outstanding! Noel Gallagher was on fire, speaking and giving an incredible performance that left us all speechless. And let me tell you, the evening’s final song was truly unforgettable! It will live on in the memory of everyone who was fortunate enough to witness it for years to come. It was like the icing on top of a scrumptious cake or that lovely fancy bow on top of a Christmas present. What an unforgettable evening!

Review by Karen Edmond Photographs by James Edmond

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