Mr Brightside was in sunny Clydeside for a three-night residency and SMN attended night 2 with high expectations after reading the comments from the first night. The fans of The Killers were still in raptures from the previous night as they waited impatiently to enter the venue on a bright, warm Glasgow night. The majority of those waiting were, it seemed, in attendance at the first night as everyone we spoke to conveyed their thoughts excitedly and with genuine joy.
Surely it can’t be as good as everyone was telling us… could it?
On entering the arena there was a huge number of fans already at their station and ready to go. This is a good sign of things to come as usually the numbers can be low for support bands however tonight’s guests were Glasgow’s own TRAVIS and they carry a huge fanbase of their own.
The next thing to grab the attention was the massive Americana theatre styled Billboard announcing tonight’s bands and a stage covered by a Las Vegas casino styled carpet. The scene was set for TRAVIS to warm up the crowd.
The soundtrack from the TV series “Cheers” and the lowering of the house lights indicated the imminent arrival of TRAVIS.
Dead on time the Glasgow lads took to the carpeted stage to huge ovation from the home crowd. Fran Healy was sporting some shocking pink hair “styled” ala Keith Flint of the Prodigy… from a distance he looked like the offspring of Keith Flint and Chester Bennington (if such a thing was possible).
As a nod to the hairstyle Fran pointed out his family and friends in the stands; decked out in and festooned in pink wigs… at least I think they were wigs!
“Sing” was a cracking opener, and they were straight into their stride. The band has an underlying folk sound going on throughout the majority of their set and amongst the hit strewn set list their little touches that took their performance to different places.
A good example of this was during “Flowers in the Wind” when the band members grouped round one microphone for a wee busk. Fran on acoustic guitar and the lads contributing with tambourine and voice… there was an unexpected twist with two of them playing the same guitar at the same time, one strumming and the other fingering the chords.
Before “Closer” Fran asked the audience to hold their phones in the air with the torch on in memory of a loved one no longer with us… it made for an amazing spectacle akin to a million fireflies in the darkness of the arena.
The lads closed out the set with “Why Does it Always Rain on Me?” which, Fran told us, needed accompanied by a mass pogo by the fans… the fans obliged and, the looking on from above, it made for an amazing sight.
Just like that TRAVIS took their leave with the promise of their own headline show later in the year.
The Glasgow audience made for the many bars in the venue or maybe they just left the arena to catch a breath before LV’s finest attempted to emulate, or better, their opening night performance.
The stage set was prepared behind a huge net curtain to hide from prying eyes.
The opening strains were accompanied by purple backlit flood lights to create a regal setting and then the upper LED screens displayed a massive Roman Frieze taken straight from the interior design of Caesars Palace in Las Vegas… but the net curtain remained in situ.
The lighting fluctuates behind the curtain as the band play and Brandon sings out his first notes and then Crash, bang, wallop… the curtain opens and confetti cannons explode with glittery confetti blasted into the arena whilst an explosion of lighting engulfs the arena. The secret stage set is now under the excited gaze of the Glasgow audience who roar their approval.
It’s game on!!!
There are huge LCD screens on stage, left and right of stage and above the stage; there is a big, illuminated letter ‘K’ front of center (the keyboards used by Brandon are hidden behind it).
Brandon is known for his warm stage presence and communicating with the crowd and tonight was no different as, right from the start, he conducts and cajoles the fans.
Brandon exclaims “The Killers are in Town” and ‘The ‘Rebel Diamonds’ tour was well and truly underway for a second night in Glasgow; the big hitters were all given an outing.
‘Human’, ‘Somebody Told Me’ and ‘Smile Like You Mean It’ absolutely smashed the arena like it probably hasn’t been smashed before. Only 6 tracks into the set and those three songs have been played. The crowd hasn’t had time to catch a breath before the next surprise made an appearance.
A fan named Sam was on the crash barrier on night one draping a homemade sign asking the band if he play drums on one of the songs; Sam was back on the front barrier tonight with his sign and Brandon asked the Glasgow crowd if Sam should be allowed on stage.
Now, if you know a Glasgow crowd then you know that they usually show support for the underdog and encourage one of their own so the decision from the fans was unanimous and expected… they wanted Sam to be given his chance.
Next song up was ‘For Reasons Unknown’ and Sam was beckoned on stage by Brandon and the front of stage security; his *brass neck had paid off!!
*brass neck is possibly a Scottish term loosely translated as to have the audacity to do or ask for something normally out their reach or abilities.
He confidently strode to the drum riser and, after a quick briefing from The Killers drummer Ronnie Vannucci his moment had arrived and, as it happens, Sam was a cracking drummer with a good right foot, impeccable timing and the minerals to back up his brass neck… Sam, you were superb mate!
The show was full on and almost blowing the roof off as the volume created by the band and the fans was painfully loud at times and in particular during ‘Mr Brightside. The Hydro was shaking from it’s very foundations; you very rarely feel the seats on upper levels shake or vibrate but the lads from Las Vegas somehow managed it with more than a little help from a magnificent crowd.
There were a couple of short stoppages during songs as Brandon noticed fans in distress at the front barrier; he showed genuine concern over his fan’s health. Thankfully they appeared to be ok and the songs were restarted; not from the start as you’d expect but with a one or two bar intro into where they had left off… outstanding musicianship.
Scottish Music Network are blessed to have attended and reviewed many acts; from the new bands trying to establish themselves all the way to the mega stars. This, my friends, is one of the best gigs the city has seen… ever!
It was perfection from start to finish and the promise of another night sits tantalizingly with the lucky few who managed to source tickets.
Review by John Burns
Photographs by CHRIS PHELPS