INTERVIEW : Ben Walker – From Small Gigs to Big Stages: Ben’s First Trnsmt Performance

The interview with Karen Edmond from the Scottish Music Network and an up-and-coming musician named Ben Walker. This is Ben’s first time performing at the Transmit festival, and he is very excited about the opportunity.

When asked to describe his music, Ben says he doesn’t want to pigeonhole himself into one specific genre. He explains that his music is a blend of various styles he enjoys, including country, indie, and rock. He cites influences ranging from contemporary acts like Jake Bugg and Catfish and the Bottle Men, to classic rock bands like Kings of Leon, Guns N’ Roses, and Oasis.

Ben expects his Trnsmt set to be high-energy and the perfect way to kick off the festival weekend. He’s grateful for the chance to play in front of a crowd, as he’s had many experiences in the past of playing to small or no audiences. He’s looking forward to the “nice moment” of being able to fully enjoy the performance.

Discussing the highlights of his musical career so far, Ben mentions the thrill of having people sing his songs back to him. But he’s even more gratified when fans share how his music, particularly songs about topics like bullying and overcoming adversity, have resonated with and helped them. Ben says he hasn’t spoken much publicly about the personal meanings behind his songs, but he loves that people can interpret them in their own way.

Ben’s latest single, “Ronseal,” has been very well-received, with both longtime supporters and new listeners showing their appreciation. He’s grateful for the growing support and is excited to finally be releasing this song that’s been a long time coming.

Ben also briefly mentions working with producer Kyle Faulkner, who has served as a mentor and sounding board throughout Ben’s musical journey. Kyle was unfortunately unable to be at Trnsmt this year due to touring commitments, but he wished Ben the best for his performance.

When asked to give advice for up-and-coming musicians, Ben emphasizes the importance of having a clear plan and vision for your career. He shares that he initially didn’t see himself as the frontman or lead singer, but by taking the time to identify his goals and how to achieve them, he’s been able to progress. His advice is to think not just about the short-term, but to map out a long-term strategy for where you want to go, whether that’s playing with a band, writing your own music, or aiming for specific milestones like your first headlining show.

Overall, the interview provides a detailed look into Ben’s musical journey, his creative process, the reception of his work, and the valuable lessons he’s learned that he hopes to pass on to other aspiring artists.

Thanks to Ben for taking the time out to chat to us.

Interview with Karen Edmond 

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