Photo Credit James Edmond

In conversation with Swim School at Connect Festival 27th August 2022

The conversation begins with Billy McMahon introducing the rest of the band. James Edmond from Scottish Music Network then asks the group about how they got their stage name “Swim School” – Alice Johnson explains that they needed a name quickly for a gig and liked the alliteration and easy-to-remember nature of “Swim School”, especially after the Glasgow School of Art fire made “Art School Girlfriend” too close to home. So, we thought Swim School was easy to remember and easy to spell out.

The discussion then moves to the band’s musical influences, which Alice says range from current bands like Fouls and Wolf Alice, to older shoegaze acts like Slowdive and My Bloody Valentine. Lewis notes that the diverse tastes of the band members allow them to draw from a wide range of sounds and create something new. Alice adds that their newer material is heavily influenced by 90s alt-rock like Smashing Pumpkins.

Regarding their recent EP “Making Sense of It All”, Alice says they were surprised by how well it was received, with features in major music publications and support from their PR. This helped them reach a larger audience and gain momentum, turning what started as a “lockdown project” into a significant career milestone.

The band is currently recording a new EP in London, which they describe as an exciting step up that has brought some imposter syndrome, but also a drive to keep pushing their boundaries and level up. They hope this new release will build on the success of the previous EP.

The group then discusses their recent festival performances, including a highlight of playing Connect Festival in their hometown of Edinburgh. Alice expresses how special it was to end their festival season at a new event with a dream line-up, and how the sunny weather seemed to follow them to Scottish festivals.

The Festival and the fact that it’s actually on our doorsteps and we don’t have to drive for, like, 12 hours to get to it. It’s just, like, because we’ve had a lot of that. It’s been one, I think it’s honestly out there for one of my favourite festivals this summer. We’ve been, I think we’re good luck for Scottish festivals because every festival we’ve played, Trnsmt, Connect,  and Belladrum , they’ve always been sunny for our sets.

When asked about the performance at Connect, the band members share their excitement and sense of being in their own world on stage, as well as the joy of seeing familiar faces in the crowd, including fans wearing their merch. They express a desire to one day headline the festival. The stage today is definitely one of the biggest ones that we’ve done this summer as well. So, it’s, like, it’s nice to end it on that.

The conversation then shifts to discussing the highlights of the band’s career so far, which include working with producer Ian Berryman on their new EP, the thrill of recording in London, and the valuable connections they’ve made within the music community. They emphasize how every milestone, from playing big shows to meeting artists they admire, feels like a dream come true.

Finally, the band offers advice to aspiring musicians, emphasizing the importance of surrounding yourself with good, trustworthy people, being true to yourself, and most importantly, having fun and enjoying the process. They caution against comparing yourself to others and encourage making the most of opportunities, even down to taking home the rider after a gig.

Overall, the discussion provides a detailed look into the journey of Swim School, their creative process, the growth they’ve experienced, and their advice for others looking to make their mark in the music industry.

Swim School are Alice Johnson (vocals/guitar), Lewis Bunting (guitar), Matt Mitchell (bass) and Billy McMahon (drums)


Interview with James Edmond 

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