KID DAD’s new track ‘Limbo’ is a song that deals with feeling unsafe, hassled or even abused. As vocalist and guitarist Marius Vieth says, it’s about being “caught between uncertainty and fear, searching for something real to hold on to, in search of hope.” The band have chosen to convey this in a music video which tells the story of a child trying to escape domestic violence. Part of what initiated this concept was the fact that, due to Covid-19 and the regulations put in place to battle the pandemic, there has been a surge in cases of domestic violence worldwide. Being trapped at home, a place that should be a haven of safety, can turn into a living hell for far too many people with the detection rate for young victims being shockingly low. Say the band: “We address feelings of isolation and entrapment on our debut album ‘In A Box’ and feel obliged to call attention to this situation. We want to raise awareness of the prevalence of domestic violence cases worldwide and encourage people to donate to NSPCC in the UK in order to support the work they are doing in preventing such violence and supporting victims.” The band has set up a website with information, donation links and merch items with 100% of the proceeds to be donated here.
‘Limbo’ was written on a trip Marius took to London in collaboration with Welsh singer-songwriter Sarah Howells (Bryde). ‘In A Box’ was fuelled by these songwriting trips to England, as well as to China and Switzerland, and much time spent in Berlin. Regarding the experience of recording the album over a prolonged period of time, Marius says “I really enjoyed working with so many different setups. You absorb everything when you’re young – I want to take advantage of that.”
In A Box’ will be released 21 August via Long Branch Records. KID DAD hail from Paderborn in Germany and have played shows across the continent with the likes of Taking Back Sunday, Marmozets and Fatherson.