Fox Violet blends ambient dream scapes with dark pop rock hooks and soulful vocals that look at heart break & longing. With soaring layered psychedelic guitars and crunchy synths Fox Violet crafts bold stories that are both ethereal, relatable and honest. Gritty, raw, and voicing the underdog, FV songs are written from other worldly perspectives that are haunting but familiar. They seek to challenge the status quo, time and again and have the force that only life experience can give, gained from living, breaking and putting yourself together again.

Tell us about yourself.


When did your project start?

Fox Violet used to go by another name, ARSNK, so it actually has been around about 5 years.

Where are you from?

London but I live in Los Angeles.

How did you start?

I started singing as a child, and I played classical flute. I started writing poems also as a child. It took a while for me to put those two things together and start writing songs about 12 years ago.

What style of music do you class yourselves as?

I really would say I don’t intentionally try to fit Ito any genre. I am definitely inspired by specific tones however I love indie rock, alternative rock, ambient, electronic and some pop.

Who are the biggest bands influences?

I am endlessly inspired by real life events more than a specific sound. I would absolutely say that certain bands have absolutely inspired me, but when I try to write it never comes out sounding like those bands. Bands I love include Angel Olsen, and old school Portishead. I am endlessly inspired by Phantogram but I don’t feel anywhere near their intricate patterns that they create in their electro music. What I absolutely want is tension in music, I want to dip in to a journey, one that is not prescriptive and known. I want to be surprised and I am trying to commit to that in this project too.

Are you signed to a record label?

I’m fully independent at this time. I have had a few close calls with record labels but they always wanted me to fit into a mold and as an artist and a woman that makes me uncomfortable. I think Fox Violet exists on the periphery and because of this may not belong on any specific label. At this point I am more interested in just trying to connect with people without any agenda, truthfully.

Plans for the year.


What are the project’s plans for this year?

I have two new singles coming out in the next few months which I am excited about as I produced these. I have personally started a Facebook live stream series for artists called Living Room Sessions and hope to raise money for charities helping to fight this pandemic.

Where do you hope to see yourself in 12 months’ time (realistic)?

I would love to have a song on a TV show or film, that’s a huge goal of mine and would be a dream come true!

Questions to close with.


What can people expected from your project?

It’s a project that I really hope appeals to outsiders. I feel myself to be an outsider but I also believe in community; it sounds trite but I hope to unite people who think they really don’t belong anywhere. I am drawn to the person in the corner and this music is for them, as that also is me.

Give us one word that you would describe your band?


If there was one sentence that would relate to your band as a selling point what would it be?

Lyrics pulled from lucid dreams.

Lastly, tell us your ambitions for the next 12 months?

I want to write with as many artists as possible and continue to truly inspire and challenge myself as much as I can. I would like to truly push myself musically and come out with a new EP by the end of the year.

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