Tell us about yourself.
When did the band start?
Our singer Millie was the last member to join the band, and that was in March of last year so that’s when we like to mark the beginning of this band.
Where are you from?
All of us are from London but our singer and bassist both live in Brighton.
How did you start?
The band formed after when our previous band Oceans started to fizzle out. Our bassist Sam and I were in Oceans and saw an opportunity to completely reinvent ourselves, hence the birth of Insolace!
What style of music do you class yourselves as?
We like to play it safe by calling our selves an Alternative Rock band, although especially in our newer material there are Indie and Electronic elements as well. Insolace is a mongrel!
Who are the biggest bands influences?
We each have an eclectic taste in music, so a lot of our musical influences are derived from lots of different places, but I’d say for the most part our influences mainly come from Deftones, Bring Me The Horizon, Don Broco, Lower Than Atlantis, Yonaka, Paramore, Pvris…
Are you signed to a record label?
We’re not! We’ve been doing everything totally DIY since the beginning of the band.

Plans for the year.
What are the bands plans for this year?
We’re hoping to step up more with performing this year! We love it, definitely need to do it more… This year you can also expect us to drop some new tunes for you guys!
Do you have any tours booked?
The idea is to do a UK tour this year but given the current outbreak, all gigging and touring plans have had to take a back seat. It’s too uncertain to say when we’d next be gigging! We’ve already had to cancel important shows.
New releases?
Yes! We have a brand spanking new single called ‘Not Alright’! It’s available across all streaming platforms so make sure you give it a spin!
Where do you hope to see yourself in 12 months’ time?
Out of isolation…

Questions to close with.
What can people expect from your stage show if they are coming to see you live?
Emotion and energy. There isn’t a song that doesn’t grip at least one of us personally.
Give us one word that you would describe your band?
If there was one sentence that would relate to your band as a selling point what would it be?
I’d say our ability to write and perform together on a consistent basis. Apart from technical difficulties in a few shows, we’ve always performed to a high level and have always received positive feedback from the audience after.
Lastly, tell us your ambitions for the next 12 months?
Record more, and get on the bill for a few festivals, of course that’s all dependant on how the Coronavirus pandemic is going to progress…
For More information on Insolace can be found here