We are Mossie, an Indie Rock Band base in Leeds. Currently writing our Debut Album for you all to listen to, and it’s all about the Rock and Roll!
Tell us about yourself.
When did the band start?
We are relatively new as a four piece, we got together last year in the summer after a very messy night out we acquired band members from 3 different local bands, to create our own.
Where are you from?
Leeds, we say Leeds but we are a bit of a Yorkshire mixture really from different area’s of Yorkshire. Ever been? Come see us 😉
How did you start?
As I said it was a very messy night out, we knew of each other and decided to take our own route, we all have similar taste in music and wanted to create our own sound.
What style of music do you class yourselves as?
I’d say we are indie rock, probably more traditional in style, you can hear 80’s and 90’s Indie through our music I think.
Who are the biggest bands influences?
Oh Wow, too many to list, there are some real good artists around, some very well known, other not so. You can take influence from anyone and anything, depending on the day, time and how you are feeling!
Are you signed to a record label?
We we’re approached recently, we decided we wanted to spend time writing our material first though and see where we are at towards the end of the year. We want to get our music out there first and let you guys have a listen!

Plans for the year.
What are the bands plans for this year?
We will be hard writing music, we haven’t stopped at all since we got together and we aim to have a 6 track EP ready to go out to everyone by the end of the summer.
Do you have any tours booked?
We are actually in the process of setting that up for the release of the EP, please keep in touch for dates on our social media!
New releases?
We have a couple of tracks out there already but our newest music is our most exciting and we will drop that soon, so keep your ears to the ground!
Where do you hope to see yourself in 12 months’ time (realistic)?
I think 12 months from now we will have toured, we will hopefully be playing some festivals next year and also be hoping to release our first album.

Questions to close with.
What can people expected from your stage show if they are coming to see you live?
We are energetic, we want to rock the house down and we want our music to be good, we pride ourselves on making music that can be played well live, so we don’t like to use gimmicks in the recording studios. Come for yourself and see!
Give us one word that you would describe your band?
F***ed up! That’s two words, never mind.
If there was one sentence that would relate to your band as a selling point what would it be?
Music that makes your nose thirsty.
Lastly, tell us your ambitions for the next 12 months?
We’re gonna take over the world! Peace and Love! x
Follow Mossie – Facebook